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Medication Rule Analysis for Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Chronic Renal Insufficiency Based on Data Mining
投稿时间:2020-10-26  修订日期:2021-03-11
中文关键词:  慢性肾功能不全  中医药 数据挖掘
英文关键词:Chronic  renal insufficiency ,Traditional  Chinese medicine, Data  mining
龚飞 山西中医药大学 gongfei0029@163.com 
李红* 山西省中西医结合医院 lihong6669@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 399
全文下载次数: 2
      目的:利用数据挖掘探究慢性肾功能不全的用药规律。方法:以CNKI数据库、万方数据平台、维普期刊数据库为数据来源,以全文含有“慢性肾功能不全+中医药”,日期“2000年—2020年”的期刊进行专业搜索,剔除实验研究类、综述类、中药复方或中成药制剂中未标明药物成分的文献,筛选临床中治疗慢性肾功能不全的方剂,分别录入 Excel 2019建立数据库,并采用 SPSS Modeler18.0、SPSS Statistics 26.0 统计软件为工具,进行关联规则分析、聚类分析。结果:CNKI数据库、万方数据平台、维普期刊数据库共得到77首方剂,在纳入标准的全部方中,累计出现频数最高的前五味中药分别是黄芪(60次,77.79%)、大黄(58次,75.32%)、丹参(41次,53.24%)、茯苓(38次,49.35%)、白术(29次,37.66%)。从药味来看,主要为甘、苦;从药性来看,主要集中为平性和温性药物;药物归经以肝,脾二经为主;药物功效,以补虚药和活血化瘀药物为主。关联规则性分析得到黄芪-当归;黄芪-当归-大黄等置信度为100%的核心药对。聚类分析将药物分为七类。结论:通过对治疗慢性肾功能不全方剂中的中药进行分析,统计其配伍规律,发现治疗慢性肾功能不全以补虚药和活血化瘀药为主,多选用入脾经的药物。慢性肾功能不全是人体气化功能渐衰至衰竭的过程[ [] 傅奕.中医药治疗慢性肾功能不全研究概况[J].长春中医药大学报,2012,28(06):1112-1114. ],责之脾肾,脾不升清,脾胃功能失常,则气血匮乏,运化失司,而生痰湿。脾之清阳不升,而肾之浊阴不降[ [] 张保伟.刘渡舟教授治疗慢性肾衰经验摭拾[J].中医药学刊,2004(04):584-592. ],肾脏气化功能失常,浊毒停留体内,日久生瘀,湿与瘀互结贯穿于疾病始终。所以在治疗过程中不仅要注重恢正气的培护,还要兼顾患者“瘀”的这一病理现象。脾为后天之本,气血生化之源,主运化,在治疗慢性肾功能不全的过程要重视脾的功能,脾气得升,则肾脏浊阴可降,肾脏功能得以恢复;脾气健运,则气血生化有源,而水湿得运。重视黄芪-丹参-大黄;黄芪-丹参等核心药对的应用。
      Objective To explore the rule of medication in chronic renal insufficiency (CRI) by using data mining. Method: Taking CNKI database Wanfang data platform, Weipu journal database as the data source, did specialty search for journals containing "chronic renal insufficiency + Chinese medicine" and dated "2000-2020" in the full text, excluded experimental research, review, Chinese medicine compound or Chinese patent medicine preparations Documents without indication for drug ingredients, screened for clinical prescriptions for the treatment of chronic renal insufficiency, and entered them into Excel 2019 to establish a database with the use of SPSS Modeler 18.0 and SPSS Statistics 26.0 statistical software as tools to conduct association rule analysis and cluster analysis. Results: CNKI database Wanfang data platform, Weipu journal database obtained 77 prescriptions. Among all prescriptions included in the criteria, the top five traditional Chinese medicines with the highest cumulative frequency were Huangqi (60 times, 77.79%), Rhubarb (58 times, 75.32%), and Danshen (41 times, 53.24%), Poria (38 times, 49.35%), Atractylodes macrocephala (29 times, 37.66%). From the point of view of medicinal taste, it is mainly sweet and bitter; from the point of view of medicinal properties, it is mainly concentrated in mild and warm medicine; the meridian of the medicine is mainly in the liver and spleen meridians; the efficacy of the medicine mainly focuses on tonic and blood circulation. Association rule analysis results in core drug pairs such as Astragalus-Angelica; Astragalus-Angelica-Rhubarb with 100% confidence. Cluster analysis divided the drugs into seven categories.Conclusion: By analyzing the traditional Chinese medicines in the prescriptions for the treatment of chronic renal insufficiency, and statistics of their compatibility rules, it is found that the treatment of chronic renal insufficiency is mainly based on tonic drugs and blood stasis-removing drugs, and drugs that enter the spleen channel are mostly used. Chronic renal insufficiency is a process in which the body"s gasification function gradually declines to failure. To blame the spleen and kidneys, the spleen does not become clear, and the spleen and stomach function abnormally. The clearing of yang in the spleen does not rise, but the turbid yin in the kidneys does not decrease, the kidney qi function is abnormal, the turbid toxin stays in the body, and stasis is produced over time, and the dampness and stasis are interlocked throughout the disease. Therefore, in the course of treatment, attention should not only paid to the cultivation and protection of healthy energy, but also the pathological phenomenon of the patient"s "stasis". The spleen is the foundation of acquired nature, the source of qi and blood biochemistry, and governs the movement and transformation. In the treatment of chronic renal insufficiency, the function of the spleen should be paid attention to. If the spleen rises, the kidney turbidity can be reduced and the kidney function can be restored; The qi and blood are biochemically active, while the water is wet. Pay attention to the application of core medicine pairs such as astragalus-danshen-rhubarb and astragalus-danshen.
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