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Analysis of medication patterns of alzheimer
投稿时间:2020-08-21  修订日期:2021-01-19
中文关键词:  中医学  数据挖掘  阿尔茨海默病  用药规律
英文关键词:Traditional Chinese medicine  Data mining  Alzheimer
吴霜霜 浙江省立同德医院 wss422427@126.com 
朱红 浙江省立同德医院  
陈杏丽* 浙江省立同德医院 wangbuliu2020@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 623
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      目的:基于现代中医文献数据库,采用数据挖掘技术分析现代医家辨治阿尔茨海默病的用药规律。方法:搜集中国知网(CNKI)、维普(VIP)、万方数据库建库至2020年5月23日所有中药治疗阿尔茨海默病的中文期刊随机对照临床研究文献。运用Excel 软件建立方剂数据库,对药物累计频数、功效分类、性味、证型分布采用描述性分析。应用SPSS Statistics 19.0软件对高频药物进行系统聚类分析、因子分析,应用SPSS Clementine12.0软件对高频药物进行关联规则分析。结果:共纳入文献140篇方剂165首,涉及用药167种,其中频次最多的是石菖蒲,功效类别最多的是补虚药,性味以“甘”、“苦”、“辛”、“温”为主;系统聚类分析得出用药组合12类;关联规则分析得到核心药物组合12个;因子分析提取得到10个公因子。结论:AD的病因病机,以虚、痰(湿)、瘀为主,且三者互为影响,临床多见虚实夹杂证。现代医家辨治AD以扶正祛邪为总治则,温补精气血、安神以扶正,活血、化痰(湿)、开窍以祛邪,多从心、脾、肾三脏论治。
      Objective: Based on the database of modern Traditional Chinese medicine, to explore the regularity of prescription medication in the treatment of Alzheimer"s disease with data mining technology. Methods: We searched the databases of CNKI, VIP and WanFang, screened the randomized controlled clinical literatures of AD treated by TCM until May 23, 2020 and established the database with Excel software. SPSS Statistics 19.0 software was used for systematic cluster analysis and factor analysis of core drugs, and SPSS Clementine12.0 software was used for association rule analysis. Results: A total of 165 prescriptions with 140 literatures were included, involving 167 kinds of herbs. Among them, the drug with the highest frequency was shi changpu, The drug property with the highest frequency was warm, and the drug flavor with the highest frequency was sweet. Twelve drug combinations were obtained by systematic cluster analysis. Twelve core drug combinations were obtained by association rule analysis. Ten common factors were extracted from the factor analysis. Conclusion: The etiology and pathogenesis of AD are mainly deficiency, phlegm (dampness) and blood stasis, and the three factors influence each other. Modern doctors treated AD with the general principle of invigorating deficiency, calming the spirit, activating blood and dispelling phlegm. The treatment mainly focused on the heart, spleen and kidney.
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