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Analysis of the law of Bao Yanzhong
投稿时间:2020-07-03  修订日期:2020-10-16
中文关键词:  高催素血症  中医  中药  用药规律
英文关键词:Bao Yanzhong  prescription analysis  medication rules  hyperoxinemia
雍容 浙江中医药大学 250778319@qq.com 
丁彩飞* 浙江省中西医结合医院 dingcaifei@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 588
全文下载次数: 4
      目的:挖掘分析鲍严钟主任中医师临床治疗男性高催乳素血症的用药特点和规律。方法:收集 2017年6月— 2018年9月期间鲍主任治疗男性高催乳素血症54例的处方共240张,采用频率、频数,关联规则分析,聚类分析方法进行数据挖掘。结果:其中42味药使用频率>10%,前10味依次为枳壳、川牛膝、仙灵脾、甘草、柴胡、生麦芽、郁金、当归、菟丝子、女贞子。关联分析得出二项配伍药对前 3 位为柴胡、郁金,仙灵脾、菟丝子,菟丝子、女贞子,三项配伍前 3 位为柴胡、郁金、仙灵脾,柴胡、郁金、川牛膝,柴胡、郁金、枳壳。聚类规则分析显示处方含柴胡、郁金、枳壳、川牛膝、当归等8类药物。结论:鲍严钟主任中医师治疗男性高催素血症处方中注重标本兼治,以健疏肝解郁,补肾活血为主,兼顾行气消乳等。推崇灵活加减,随症治疗。
      Objective: To excavate and analyze the characteristics and regularities of the clinical treatment of male prostatinemia by Chief Physician Bao Yanzhong. Methods: A total of 240 prescriptions for 54 cases of male hyperprolactinemia treated by Director Bao from June 2017 to September 2018 were collected. Data mining was performed using frequency, frequency, association rule analysis, and cluster analysis methods. Results: Among them, 42 herbs were used more than 10%, and the top 10 were Citrus aurantium, Achyranthes bidentata, Xianling spleen, licorice, Bupleurum, raw malt, turmeric, angelica, dodder and privet. Correlation analysis showed that the top three of the two compatibility drugs were Bupleurum, Yujin, Xianlingpi, Cuscuta, Cuscuta, Ligustrum lucidum, and the top 3 of the three compatibilitys were Bupleurum, Yujin, Xianlingpi, Chaihu , Turmeric, Sichuan achyranthes, Bupleurum, turmeric, citrus aurantium. The clustering rule analysis showed that the prescription contained 8 types of medicines such as Bupleurum, turmeric, citrus aurantium, Achyranthes bidentata, and angelica. Conclusion: Chief Chinese medicine doctor Bao Yanzhong pays attention to treating both the symptoms and the symptoms in the prescription of male hyperoxinemia treatment, focusing on strengthening the liver and relieving depression, replenishing the kidney and promoting blood circulation, and taking into account the qi and milk. Respect for flexible addition and subtraction, treatment with symptoms.
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