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Data mining of Professor ZHOU Heng-de’s medication experience on chronic gastritis
投稿时间:2020-04-26  修订日期:2020-05-16
中文关键词:  慢性胃炎  用药规律  数据挖掘  关联规则  系统聚类分析
英文关键词:chronic gastritis  medication laws  data mining  association rule  systematic cluster analysis
高利英 浙江中医药大学附属第一医院 gaoliying0529@163.com 
刘希樵 浙江中医药大学附属第一医院  
张颖 浙江中医药大学附属第一医院  
黄宣* 浙江中医药大学附属第一医院 huangxuan1976@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 551
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      目的 运用数据挖掘方法分析周亨德教授治疗慢性胃炎的用药规律。 方法 收集周亨德教授治疗慢性胃炎的处方,提取并处理数据,采用描述性统计、关联规则算法、复杂网络分析、系统聚类分析等数据挖掘方法,对筛选出的方剂进行组方规律分析。 结果 共筛选出有效方剂2285首,共用药物211种,使用频次>15%的中药35种,前5位的分别是黄连、吴茱萸、瓦楞子、海螵蛸、鸡内金。基于关联规则分析,药物2项关联组合以瓦楞子+黄连最为常见;药物3项关联组合以瓦楞子+吴茱萸+黄连最为常见;药物4、5项关联组合以海螵蛸+瓦楞子+吴茱萸+黄连最为常见。基于复杂网络分析得出核心处方药物为:黄连、吴茱萸、瓦楞子、海螵蛸、鸡内金、六神曲、莱菔子、厚朴、黄芪。基于系统聚类分析,提取到7组核心药物组:黄连-吴茱萸,瓦楞子-海螵蛸,鸡内金-六神曲-莱菔子,藿香-佩兰-草果仁-羌活,青皮-木香,茯苓-山药-党参-黄芪,苏梗-苏叶-代赭石-旋复花-姜半夏。 结论 周亨德教授临床治疗慢性胃炎以健脾益气为主,辅以清热化湿、疏肝理气、活血化瘀等治法。数据挖掘方法对于分析名老中医处方用药规律,总结名老中医临床经验具有重要的价值。
      Objective To analyze Professor ZHOU Heng-de’s medication experience on chronic gastritis (CG) by applying data mining. Methods The prescriptions for chronic gastritis (CG) were collected, and then the data was extracted and processed, to analyze the prescription experience of professor ZHOU Heng-de by using data mining methods, such as descriptive statistics, association rule, complex network analysis, systematic cluster analysis. Results A total of 2285 effective prescriptions were screened, 211 kinds of drugs were shared, and 35 kinds of traditional Chinese medicines with frequency >15% were used. The top 5 commonly used drugs were coptis chinensis, evodia rutaecarpa, concha arcae, cuttlebone, galli stomachichum corium. Based on the analysis of association rules, the two associations of drugs were common with concha arcae + coptis chinensis. The three associations of drugs were common with concha arcae + evodia rutaecarpa + coptis chinensis. The four or five associations of drugs were common with cuttlebone + concha arcae + evodia rutaecarpa + coptis chinensis. Based on the analysis of complex networks, the core prescription drugs were: coptis chinensis, evodia rutaecarpa, concha arcae, cuttlebone, galli stomachichum corium, medicated leaven, radish seed, magnolia officinalis, astragalus. Based on systematic cluster analysis, 7 groups of core drug groups were extracted: coptis chinensis - evodia rutaecarpa, concha arcae - cuttlebone, galli stomachichum corium - medicated leaven - radish seed, wrinkled glanthyssop – perrin - Grass kernel – notopterygium, dried green orange peel - radix auckladiae, poria cocos - chinese yam – lanceolate – astragalus, Sue - Su Ye – haematitum - inula japonica - pinellia Conclusion Professor ZHOU Heng-de 's treatment of chronic gastritis based on replenishing qi and invigorating spleen, supplemented by clearing heat and draining fire, relieving the depressed liver and activating blood and resolving stasis. The application of data mining method is of great value for mining clinical experience and medication experience of old TCM.
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