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Application value of oral enteral nutrition in the enhanced recovery after surgery for colorectal cancer
投稿时间:2018-05-11  修订日期:2018-07-30
中文关键词:  结直肠肿瘤 肠内营养 加速康复外科
英文关键词:Colorectal Neoplasms Enteral nutrition Enhanced recovery after surgery
刘锐 杭州市第三人民医院 lr19830408@163.com 
沈海滨 杭州市第三人民医院  
刘小金 杭州市第三人民医院  
王海明* 杭州市第三人民医院 wwanghmcf@163.com 
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      目的 探讨经口肠内营养在结直肠癌加速康复中的应用价值。方法 前瞻性入组结直肠癌患者80例,按随机数字表法分为试验组(术前3d及术后早期给予口服肠内营养制剂瑞能)和对照组(术前3d及术后早期给予传统饮食)各40例。比较两组患者术中肠道清洁度、术后肛门排气时间、并发症发生率、营养指标、术后住院时间和费用。结果 试验组与对照组术中肠道清洁度两组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。试验组患者术后肛门排气时间早于对照组(P<0.05),术后感染性并发症发生率低于对照组(P<0.05),而非感染性并发症发生率两组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。术后7d,试验组营养指标血清白蛋白(ALB)、血清前白蛋白(PA)、血清转铁蛋白(TF)均优于对照组(均P<0.05)。观察组术后住院时间短于对照组(P<0.05),住院总费用低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 经口服肠内营养制剂可有助于结直肠癌患者肠道准备,促进病人术后恢复,缩短住院时间,减少住院费用。
      Objective To investigate the application Value of Oral Enteral Nutrition in the enhanced recovery after surgery for colorectal cancer. Methods 80 patients with colorectal cancer undergoing elective operation were randomly divided into study group (n=40) and control group(n=40).Patients in the study group were given enteral nutrition support 3 days before surgery and early period of postoperation. Patients in the control group received conventional postoperative care protocol.The quality of bowel preparation, time of first flatus,incidence of complications,nutritional status(ALB,PA,TF),postoperative hospital stay and medical cost between the two groups were compared. Results The quality of bowel preparation of the two groups had no significant difference(P>0.05).As compared to the control group,time of first flatus in the study group were significantly shorter(P<0.05). The incidence of infectious complications in the study group were lower than that in controll group(P<0.05).While there were no significant differences in incidence of non-infectious complication between the two groups(P >0.05). The levels of albumin(ALB), prealbumin(PA) and transferrin(TF)at postoperative day 7 in the study group were significantly higher than those in control group.In the study group,postoperative hospital stay were significantly shorter(P<0.05),and medical cost was significantly less (P<0.05) as compared with the control group.Conclusion In patients with colorectal cancer, oral enteral nutrition can improve the quality of bowel preparation, accelerate rehabilitation, shorten hospital stay and reduce medical cost .
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