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Analysis on Fuping TCM’s prescription regularity for threatened abortion by usingSdataSminingSmethodsSHEN Yi, FU Ping
投稿时间:2017-05-27  修订日期:2017-05-27
中文关键词:  先兆流产  用药规律  傅萍名中医  数据挖掘
英文关键词:threatened abortion  prescription regularity  Fuping TCM  dataSminingSmethods
沈毅 杭州市中医院 1127649268@qq.com 
傅萍* 杭州市中医院 fupingss@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 839
全文下载次数: 1
      目的 采用数据挖掘方法分析傅萍名中医治疗先兆流产的用药规律。方法收集并筛选傅萍名中医治疗先兆流产的临床有效病例,建立处方数据库,统计药物使用频率并分析核心药物的功效、性味、归经,采用关联规则、系统聚类分析发现特色配伍药对及基础方。结果 纳入病例491例,处方2183首,涉及中药159味,药物使用频次总和为35632次。得到使用频率10%以上核心药物共31味,使用频次前三位的药物依次为:桑寄生、苎麻根、白芍;核心药物四气以平、温、寒为主,五味以甘、苦、酸为主,归经以肝、脾、肾三脏为主,功效以补虚药为主;得到常用核心药物→药物配对组合共18对,归纳特色药对5对;得到由2-9味中药组成的聚类方共14个,归纳基础方3个,加减应用方2个。结论 傅萍名中医治疗先兆流产以补肾固冲为安胎之根本、益气健脾为安胎之源泉、清热养血为安胎之基础,遣方用药具有“甘平有奇效,总关脾和肾,不离虚和热”的特点。
      Objective: Using dataSminingSmethods to analyze Fuping TCM’s prescription regularity for threatened abortion. Methods: Collecting and selecting effective clinical cases about threatened abortion treated by Fuping TCM, then establish excel database of prescription, count the frequency of traditional Chinese medicines and analyze the function, nature , meridians tropism of the core, discover characteristic pairs of medicines and basic prescriptions by means of Association rules analysis, System cluster analysis. Results: 491 cases are enrolled, totally 2183 prescriptions, 159 medicines related, theStotalSnumberSofSmedicineSfrequencySis 35632. The number of core traditional Chinese medicines which frequency is more than 10% is 31, the first three are: Sangjisheng, Zhumagen, Baishao; The four properties of the core traditional Chinese medicines are calm , warm and cold based; five tastes are sweet, bitter, sour based; meridians tropism mainly owned by the liver , spleen and kidney; function is tonic-based; The 18 pairs of the core traditional Chinese medicines combination are summarized, and the characteristics are given to the pairs of 5; the 14 cluster prescriptions which composed of 2-9 traditional Chinese medicines are concluded, which induced into 3 basicSprescriptions and 2 modification prescriptions. Conclusion: The therapeutic principles of threatened abortion regards as tonifying kidney and soliding Penetrating Vessel, replenishing qi and invigorating spleen, clearing heat and replenishing blood; The characteristics of application can be summarized as " The natures of sweet and calm have striking effect, the pathogenesis is always close to spleen and kidney, closely related to deficiency and heat ".
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