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Compared with traditional Chinese medicine decoction and intralesional corticosteroid injection of chalazion in children. SHENG Wenyan ,ZHU Liwen,ZHONG Liangyu . Department of Ophthalmology, Hangzhou Red Cross Hospital, Hangzhou 310003, China
投稿时间:2015-12-14  修订日期:2016-03-21
中文关键词:  中药  局部激素注射 曲安奈德  小儿 胞生痰核  霰粒肿 睑板腺囊肿
英文关键词:Traditional  Chinese medicine  IntralesionalScorticosteroid injection  Triamcinolone acetonide  Children Chalazion
盛文燕* 杭州市红十字会医院 helen200726@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 861
全文下载次数: 2
      目的:通过比较中药汤剂与激素注射在治疗小儿霰粒肿中的疗效,探讨中药汤剂在该病治疗中的优势。方法:对58例在我院门诊中确诊为霰粒肿的小儿分为两组,分别予中药汤剂治疗和局部激素注射治疗,比较两组的治疗效果。结果:中药汤剂治疗组总有效率为91.2%, 6个月内复发率为5.9%,而激素注射组总有效率为79.3%,复发率为23.5%。结论:中药汤剂治疗小儿霰粒肿安全有效,可使小儿尽可能避免手术治疗,减少复发率,是较为理想的治疗方法。
      Objective: This is a pilot prospective study undertaken to compare the effect of traditional Chinese medicine decoction and intralesionalScorticosteroid injection in the treatment of chalazion in children ,in order to study the advantage of traditional Chinese medicine decoction in the treatment of this disease. Methods: 58 pediatric outpatients with the diagnosis of chalazion were randomly divided into two groups ,one group was treated by traditional Chinese medicine decoction treatment and the other group accepted intralesionalScorticosteroid injection therapy, compared two groups of treatment effect. Results: the decoction of Chinese medicine treatment group total effective rate was 91.2%, the recurrence rate was 5.9%, and the intralesionalScorticosteroid injection group the total effective rate was 79.3%, the recurrence rate was 23.5%. Conclusion: Traditional Chinese medicine decoction is safe and effective in treatment of children with chalazion .It can make children as much as possible to avoid surgery, and reduce the recurrence rate, is an ideal treatment .
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