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Impact on the outcome of pre-diabetes with the treatment of chinese medicine
投稿时间:2015-05-28  修订日期:2015-09-13
中文关键词:  前期糖尿病  中药 OGTT
英文关键词:pre-diabetes  chinese medicine  OGTT
基金项目:温岭市科技计划项目 编号2013C31099
黄佩芬* 浙江省温岭市第一人民医院 hpfwlyy@163.com 
吴福斌 浙江台州 温岭市第一人民医院 中西医结合病区 317500  
潘敏 浙江台州 温岭市第一人民医院 中西医结合病区 317500  
摘要点击次数: 712
全文下载次数: 2
      目的 本研究旨在观察中药治疗对前期糖尿病患者1年内疾病转归的影响。方法:本研究初步筛查总共纳入265名前期糖尿病患者,所有患者均达到2012年美国ADA关于糖尿病前期的诊断标准,且所有患者均进行OGTT试验,排除55例未同时满足纳入及排除标准的患者后,将剩下所有患者均按照随机数字表法原则分成对照组(n=105)及治疗组(n=105)两组,两组患者均接受1年的观察研究,对照组给予生活干预方式,治疗组在给予相同生活方式干预的基础上加上中药治疗,分别在研究前及每3个月测空腹血糖、餐后2H血糖、糖化血红蛋白、体重指数,并每月行OGTT试验,以达到2型糖尿病诊断标准为主要终点事件,监测研究期间出现的不良事件反应。结果:总共纳入210名前期糖尿病患者,其中10名患者失访,5名患者因故退出,其余195名患者完成1年的观察研究,研究结束时治疗组94名患者中12名进展为2型糖尿病,对照组101名患者中23名进展为2型糖尿病,两组患者在研究结束时空腹及餐后血糖耐量恢复正常的人数分别为50及30名。两组患者在空腹、餐后血糖、糖化血红蛋白组间对比(P<0.01),治疗组较对照组血糖得到了明显改善。两组患者体重指数上组间对比并未出现差异(P>0.05),通过绘制Kaplan-Meier生存曲线,提示治疗组对比对照组,中药治疗在一定程度上延缓了前期糖尿病患者进展为2型糖尿病。结论:给予生活干预的基础上,加用中药治疗,可延缓前期糖尿病患者病情进展为2型糖尿病,甚至在一定程度上使部分患者空腹血糖及餐后血糖耐量回归正常,使前期糖尿病患者进展成2型糖尿病的风险明显降低,且用药安全。
      Abstract Objective: This study was designed to observe the effect of treatment on the outcome of patients with pre-diabetes in 1 year. Methods: This study enroledl a total of 265 patients with prediabetes, all patients were reached in the 2012 American ADA diagnostic criteria for prediabetes, and all patients underwent an OGTT, excluding 55 cases did not meet both the inclusion and exclusion criteria for patients。after all the remaining patients were in accordance with the principle of random number table is divided into a control group (n = 105) and treatment group (n = 105) groups, patients received one-year observational study, the control group was given life intervention,and the treatment group given the same basis of lifestyle intervention then plus traditional Chinese medicine, Blood were obtained for fasting blood glucose, postprandial 2H glucose, glycated hemoglobin test before the study and every three months. Then demonstrate the OGTT test monthly, in order to achieve type 2 diabetes diagnostic criteria for the primary endpoint events, adverse events that occur during the monitoring on studies. Results: A total of 210 included pre-diabetes patients, 10 patients were lost to follow-up, five patients quit for any reason, the remaining 195 patients completed the 1-year observational study, at the end of the study 94 patients in the treatment group, 12 progressed to type 2 diabetes, 101 patients in the control group 23 progress to type 2 diabetes, two groups of patients at the end of the study the number of fasting and postprandial blood glucose returned to normal 50 and 30 respectively. Two groups of patients in the fasting and postprandial blood glucose, glycated hemoglobin between comparison groups (P <0.01), the treatment group was significantly improved compared with the control group, blood sugar. BMI between the two groups of patients did not show differences in comparison group (P> 0.05), by plotting the Kaplan-Meier survival curves, suggesting that the treatment group compared to control group, traditional Chinese medicine to some extent slowed the progression of pre-diabetes in patients with type 2 diabetes . Conclusion: The intervention on the basis of giving life, plus traditional Chinese medicine, can delay the progression of pre-diabetes to type 2 diabetes, and even to some extent, so some patients fasting plasma glucose and postprandial blood glucose back to normal, so that pre-diabetic patients progress to the risk of type 2 diabetes was significantly reduced, and drug safety.
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