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Meta-analysis of Hemodialysis combined with hemoperfusion Scavenging the Serum β2microglobulin and Parathyroid hormone in the treatment of Uremic pruritus
投稿时间:2014-03-17  修订日期:2014-03-17
中文关键词:  血液透析,血液灌流,血清β2微球蛋白,甲状旁腺激素,Meta分析
英文关键词:Hemodialysis, Hemoperfusion, Serum β2 microglobulin , Parathyroid hormone, Meta-analyses
曹汉华 衢州市柯城区人民医院 肾内科,324000 13216278718@163.com 
马金强* 衢州市柯城区人民医院 肾内科,324000  
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      目的:系统评价血液透析联合血液灌流清除血清β2微球蛋白、甲状旁腺激素有效性。方法: 通过计算机检索中国知网、维普数据库、万方学位论文全文数据库、PUBMED、SPRINGER外文数据库、SCIENCE等数据库,手工检索国内各种医学期刊、专著以及会议资料和学位论文,时间为该数据库建立至2013年04月30日,全面收集有关血液透析联合血液灌流清除血清β2微球蛋白、甲状旁腺激素的相关文献。制定文献纳入及排除标准,由2名研究者分别独立筛选文献,并对符合纳入标准的文献按Jadad量表评分进行文献质量评估。应用RevMan 5. 2软件进行Meta分析,计量资料采用平均差(Mean Difference,MD)及其95% 可信区间(Confidence Interval,CI)表示。结果:按照检索策略共查到相关文献1013篇,全部1013篇文章均来自电子数据库,手工检索出的文献均包含在内。根据纳入标准和剔除标准,经逐一筛选、评价,最终纳入文献7篇,均为中文文献。文献质量依据Jadad量表评分,其中4个研究评分为2分,其余3个研究评分为1分,为低质量研究。共306例尿毒症维持行性血透患者纳入本研究。Meta分析结果显示:与对照组比较,血液透析联合血液灌流治疗能提高血清β2微球蛋白的清除率[共纳入6个RCT,266个患者(治疗组134例,对照组132例), MD=12.05,95%CI(1.31,22.79),P=0.03];与对照组比较,血液透析联合血液灌流治疗与单纯血液透析对甲状旁腺激素的清除作用相当[共纳入7个RCT,306个患者(治疗组154例,对照组152例), MD=394.82,95%CI(-267.92,1057.56),P=0.24]。结论:血液透析联合血液灌流在清除血清β2微球蛋白方面优于单纯血液透析,而在清除甲状旁腺激素方面与单纯血压透析疗效相当。由于纳入研究在相关并发症及随访方面不尽详细,故未予进行评价,进而无法判断其远期疗效,还需要大型、随机、多中心研究进一步证实。
      Objective To assess the efficacy of Hemodialysis combined with hemoperfusion Scavenging the Serum β2 microglobulin and Parathyroid hormone in the treatment of Uremic pruritus.Methods We searched the CNKI、WANGFANG DATA、PubMed、SPRINGER、Journal of Chinese Medicine Digital,Etc;And Hand-Searched the variety of medical journals、monographs、Minutes、Dissertation up to 30 April 2013. To develop inclusion and exclusion criteria of the literature, and assess the literature by Jadad score. Two reviewers assessed the quality of including studies. Meta-analyses were performed using Revman 5. 2 software and count data using odds ratio (OR) and 95% CI indicated. Results 1013 literatures were obtained from the electronic databases. According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, seven literatures were included in the end and the seven literatures are all Chinese literature. According to the Jadad measuring scale, the score of the seven research are all Low quality research. There are 306 Uremic pruritus patients are involved in the research, Meta-analysis based on included studies showed: Compared with the control group, Hemodialysis combined with hemoperfusion can improve the Clearance rate of theSerum β2 microglobulin[266 patients of six RCT were involved(Treatment group were 134,Control group were 132), MD=12.05,95%CI(1.31,22.79),P=0.03], and Compared with the control group, and quite the Hemodialysis alone Group of Scavenging the Parathyroid hormone[306 patients of seven RCT were involved(Treatment group were 154,Control group were 152), MD=394.82,95%CI(-267.92,1057.56),P=0.24].Conclusions Hemodialysis combined with hemoperfusion Scavenging theSerum β2 microglobulin are better than Hemodialysis alone,and quite the Hemodialysis alone Group of Scavenging the Parathyroid hormone. But none of the studies were not described the the related complications and follow-up of the included patients, it has not been evaluated, and thus can not determine its long-term efficacy. It also needs large-scale, randomized and multicenter study.
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