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黄建华,夏齐国,冯鑫鑫,葛林宝,应 荐,沈雪勇,孙霃平.不同证型乳腺增生病患者膻中穴体表红外辐射光谱研究[J].浙江中西医结合杂志,2012,22(7):505-507
Surface Infrared Radiation Spectrum of Danzhong(RN 17) in patients with different syndromes of hyper?plasia of mammary glands
中文关键词:  乳腺增生病 穴位 膻中 光谱学 红外辐射
英文关键词:hyperplasia of mammary glands point RN 17(Danzhong) spectroscopy infrared radiation
基金项目:上海市教委科研基金资助项目 (No.07CZ034); 国家重点基础研究发展计划 (973计划) 资助项目 (No.2009CB522901); 上海市重点学科建设项目 (No.S30304)
黄建华 浙江省宁波市中医院针灸科 宁波 315000 
夏齐国 浙江省宁波市中医院针灸科 宁波 315000 
冯鑫鑫 浙江省宁波市中医院针灸科 宁波 315000 
葛林宝 上海中医药大学附属上海市气功研究所 
应 荐 上海中医药大学附属上海市气功研究所 
沈雪勇 上海中医药大学针灸推拿学院 
孙霃平 上海中医药大学附属龙华医院 
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      目的: 比较不同证型乳腺增生病患者膻中穴体表红外辐射光谱特性, 从红外角度初步探 讨中医证型的内在含义。方法: 采用高灵敏度PHE201体表红外光谱仪, 观察60例乳腺增生病患者 膻中穴1.5~16μm波段体表红外辐射光谱。结果: 乳腺增生病患者冲任失调型组膻中穴体表红外辐 射强度低于肝郁痰凝型组, 其中1.75μm、 2.25μm、 3.25μm、 3.75~4.5μm、 6.25~7.0μm、 7.5~8.25μm、 15.0~15.25μm、 15.75μm波段差异具有统计学意义 (P<0.05)。结论: 不同证型乳腺增生病患者膻中 穴体表红外辐射强度存在差异性, 从红外角度提示中医虚证、 实证可能与人体能量代谢的改变有 关。
      Objective: To compare the diference of surface infrared radiation spectrum of Danzhong(RN 17) among the patient with different syndromes of hyperplasia of mammary glands.Methods:A high-sensitive PHE201 surface infrared spectrograph was used to detect infrared radiation spectrum of Danzhong(RN 17)at 1.5-1.6μm wave band in the patient with different syndromes of hyperplasia of mammary glands. Results: The infrared radia? tion spectrum of Danzhong(RN 17) was significantly different between the hyperplasia with liver-energy stagna? tion and phlegm retention syndrome and the hyperplasia with irregular thoroughfare and conception vessels syn? drome.Statistical difference of wave bands was noted among 1.5μm,2.0-2.25μm,3.25-4.75μm,6.25-7.0μm, 7.5-8.25μm,15.0-15.25μm, and 15.75μm(P<0.05) . Conclusion: Differences in intensity of infrared radiation of Danzhong (RN 17)may be associated with the energy metabolism of the patient with different syndromes of hyper? plasia of mammary glands.
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