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姜 源.降钙素原早期评估细菌感染严重程度的应用研究[J].浙江中西医结合杂志,2012,22(5):333-335
Application of Serum Procalcitonin for Early Evaluation of Bacterial Infection Severity
中文关键词:  细菌感染 血清降钙素原 C反应蛋白 白细胞计数 体温 评估
英文关键词:bacterial infection procalcitonin C-reactive protein White blood cell count temperature evalua?tion
姜 源 浙江医院分院 杭州 310012 
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      目的: 探讨血清降钙素原 (PCT) 在早期评估细菌感染严重程度中的应用价值, 并与C反应 蛋白 (CRP)、 白细胞计数 (WBC) 及体温进行比较。方法: 根据美国胸科医师学会和危重病医学会 会议 (ACCP/SCCM) 标准及临床表现, 将139例细菌感染患者分为局部感染组 (A组) 50例、 脓毒血 症组 (B组) 5l例、 严重脓毒血症组 (C组) 21例及脓毒性休克组 (D组) 17例, 选取同期住院但无感染 的患者20例为对照组。入选患者入院治疗前抽血查PCT、 CBP及WBC水平、 记录体温, 治疗5天后 复查PCT水平。结果: PCT水平以D组最高, 为 (42.36±48.49) ng/mL, 高于其余各感染组 (P均< 0.05)。C组PCT (4.66±2.46) ng/mL, 高于B组的 (1.08±0.68) ng/mL及A组的 (0.09±0.05) ng/mL (P均< 0.05)。各感染组PCT水平均高于对照组的 (0.05±0.01) ng/mL (P均<0.05); 各组CRP、 WBC水平及 体温比较差异均无统计学意义 (P均>O.05)。治疗5天后所有感染组PCT较治疗前均下降, 差异有 统计学意义 (P<0.01)。结论: PCT水平可以早期评估细菌感染的严重程度, 有助于监测病情变化。
      Objective: To explore the value of serum procalcitonin (PCT)for early evaluation of the severity in bac? terial infection and compare it with C reactive protein(CRP), white blood cell count (WBC) , and temperature to understand their strength and weaknesses.Methods: A total of 139 patients with bacterial infection administered in our hospital from July 2009 to June 2010 were divided into 4 groups, including local bacterial infection group (Group A, n=50), sepsis group(Group B, n=51), severe sepsis group(Group C, n=21),and septic shock group(Group D, n=17) according to ACCP/SCCM consensus conference and the clinical manifestations.Twenty noninfectious pa? tients during the same period were recruited as control(Group E, n=20).PCT, CRP, WBC, and temperature were evaluated in all patients before treatment and PCT were measured again 5 days after treatment.Results: During the early period of bacterial infection, PCT was the highest in Group D([42.36±48.49] ng/mL), followed by (4.66± 2.46)ng/mL in Group C, (1.08±0.68) ng/mL in Group B, and(0.09±0.05)ng/mL in Group A(P<0.05). PCT in the 4 infectious groups were all higher than that in Group E [ (0.05±0.01) ng/mL, P<0.05].No significant difference in CRP, WBC, and temperature was noted among all groups (P>0.05). After 5-day treatment, PCT decreased in the 4 infectious groups than that before treatment(P<0.01).Conclusion: The level of PCT can be used to evaluate the severity of bacterial infection at the early stage. This may be of help for monitoring the patient’ s condition.
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